Water Tanks, Cold Plunge Tubs and Back Yard Pools

Trendy Back Yard Pools

Why are Plastic Backyard Pools the Trend?

Backyard soaking pools or cold plunge tubs are a fantastic additions to your property. 

A well-designed soaking pool or cold plunge tubs will significantly boost the value of your property. It not only enhances the visual appeal of your outdoor space but also indicates a well-maintained and thoughtfully designed landscape.

Poly plastic pools are very popular because of the durability of the plastic and the ease of customization of the color and outlets.

Durability-  Polyplastic pools are manufactured in an oven which creates a seamless one-half-inch thick outer surfice that allows for an above ground or below ground pool.

Shape- Round or rectangular tanks are popular and available.

Color- The standard is clear and blue but a customized color option is available for your pool color.

Do I need a cement pad for my poly plastic pool? If a concrete base is available great, but sand, pea gravel, and dirt without sharp objects works fine.

Maintenance and Care:

Poly plastic is durable enough to withstand small amounts of chlorine and comes with a 3-5year manufacturer’s warranty.

Customization- Additional outlets for drainage, heaters, and chillers can be added to the poly plastic pool design.

Size and Costs:

Sizes range from 300 Gallon Single Dipping Tub up to 1250 Gallon which are 8 feet X 4 feet deep.

Poly Plastic Pool Costs Range from $400 to $3000.

Why do poly plastic backyard pools make sense? TIME!

The average wait time for a backyard pool professional installation is 8-12 weeks the average time to install a poly plastic pool is a weekend project.

Adults love a dip of float in a backyard pool and yes, your dog will also enjoy a plunge.  Polyplastic is scratch resistance and the material is FDA-approved making it dog friendly.

All About Tanks has experts available to answer your poly plastic pool questions. Contact us at 888-528-4205 for a customized quote.


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