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How All About Tanks Combines Travel Adventures and a Side Hustle

We are often asked, "So, how is your water storage tank delivery business going?"

Yes, water tank delivery is our side hustle and a great service to our customers that are based within a 700 mile radius of Boise, ID.

Our business brings customers to our door that have budgeted for a tank or tanks. When we provide a quote for the storage tank including delivery and the delivery cost is more than the tank...well, that is one hard sell. All About Tanks provides our customers in the Pacific Northwest with an option to reduce the overall cost of the tank and delivery. We take customers orders and deliver tanks to their doors.

Our favorite delivery trip is Northern Idaho to the Priest River and Coeur D'Alene area. 

We travel US Hwy 95 that is still referred to as North and South Highway. This route takes us through some of the most beautiful scenery you will find in the Pacific Northwest. 

Harrison, Idaho- We met up with homeowners happy to have a 2000 Gallon Water Storage Tank delivered to their tank pad. The 2000 gallons of water will be used for fire suppression, garden and lawn irrigation.

2000 Gallon Water Storage Tank - Harrison Idaho

Hayden, Idaho homeowners needed additional water storage after subdivisions began popping up around them reducing the amount of well water to use for gardening and pool up keep.

The grass will stay greener and the pool full with water available for use anytime pumped from the 3000 Gallon Water Tank delivered to their beautiful yard. 

3000 Gallon Water Storage Tank  Rathdrum Idaho

You have likely never been to or heard of Grizzly Gap, Idaho located between Bonners Ferry and Naples, Idaho.

Straight up a mountain side we went to deliver 3000 Gallon and 2000 Gallon Water Storage Tanks to some fine people that have been living off the grid for a few years.

It is no secret that when living off the grid water storage is critical and this Momma and Dad of five beautiful children were certainly happy to see their new water tanks being delivered.

Bonners Ferry Idaho Water Storage Tank Delivery Bonners Ferry Idaho

Water harvesting serves many purposes but the reason we most often hear, "NO WATER, NO COFFEE!"


All About Tanks has on staff water storage tank professionals with decades of  poly tank manufacturing industry experience and a seasoned trucking salesperson that knows how to find the least expensive freight options. We are available when you call to hear about your needs and recommend the best storage tank and freight solutions. 

Watch for new video Blogs with customers setting up their tanks with pumps and harvesting techniques.

Give us a call Monday-Saturday, 208-965-1195.

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